stop the secret cults: freemasons, pyrates etc.

This blog is by the Grace of God created to stop secert and satanic cults that murder, maim and pervert the system including justice. They operate by threat, intimidation and murder fulfilling the Bible which says: satan's only function is to steal, kill and destroy.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

False arrest and detention of Dr. Ovadje by a corrupt U.K. police

Dr. Ovadje falsely arrested and maliciciously detained for putting up posters (with the permission of the policemen at Downing Street) showing the actions of the freemasons and pyrates: killings, maimings, threats and intimidation.

On Friday 16/09/05, Dr. Ovadje went Downing Street. He had posters showing

1. The attempt by the freemasons and pyrates to murder him in 2001.

2. The murder of his brother Ejoke Ovadje by members of the freemasons and pyrates in Nigeria in 2002. His brother a solocitor had contested elections on an anti-corruption platform and had become very popular with the people.

3. The indirect killing of his son by the freemasons and pyrates

4. The freemasons and pyrates seized the corpse of his son so that Dr. Ovadje would not see him and mourn.

Other satanic actions by the freemasons and pyrates.

On arrival at Downing Street (official residence of the British Prime Minister), hw went to the the seven policemen stationed at Downing Street and informed them of his intention to put up posters. They directed the him to the spot where he could put up his posters.

Another policeman 538 drove in a van and seeing Dr. Ovadje formally dressed and not engaged in any unlawful activity gave him a note for having ‘Stopped but not searched’ him under the stop and search laws. This officer acknowledged Dr. Ovadje had not committed a crime and was entitled not to give the officer his name or other personal details ‘for the record’. The officer then gave the defendant a memo, showing that the Public Order Act 1986 applied and the defendant had broken no law under that Act.

Some strange man drove down, videoed Dr. Ovadje and the posters and left. It was obvious he had been sent specifically to make a record of the protest.

On the day of arrest, Tuesday 20/09/05, Dr. Ovadje was formally dressed and alone. He stood still and did not talk to anyone. There was no procession or meeting with anyone. There was no question of violence or threat of violence. He saw the police officers permanently stationed at Downing Street again. They did not tell him anything new. He put up posters at the designated area as previously directed by them.

Next thing, the policemen from Charring Cross station bundle him into their van after tightly handcuffing his hands at the back, even though there was no struggle.

They had obviously been detailed to carry out the illegal imprisonment on the orders of a corrupt leadership including the Metropolitan Police Coimmissioner, Sir Ian Blair. You would have thought they would charge him to court immediately, no. He was detained for more thasn six hours yet the police refused to interview him or take evidence.

Only weak people who cannot win by reason of argument and intellect resort to killing, maiming, intimidating and blackmail to achieve their goals. The freemasons are a weak organisation whose only mode of operation is killing and violence just like al-queda and the mafia. Only difference freemasons have so called 'big men' like Prince Edward to provide a facade of 'respect' for criminal and murderous acticvity.

In the night, Dr. Ovadje was released without charge yet his property was seized i.e. stolen.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

freemasons and pyrates collude to prevent me getting electricity in the U.K.

Dr. J. A. T. Ovadje

7 November 2005

Mr. Tony Blair
Prime Minister of the U.K.
10 Downing Street
London SW1

Dear Sir: Do the freemasons and pyrates want to murder Dr. Ovadje by freezing? ‘a civilised method!’

Do the freemasons and pyrates confraternity want to murder Dr. Ovadje by a ‘civilised method!’ instead of bombs like al-queda?

My wife and I bought the house at the above address in 1998and lived there. Unfortunately, we separated mainly by the actions of satanic cults: freemasons and pyrates. I was forced to leave the home and went to Nigeria in February 2001.

Apart from a brief visit in February 2003 (in which I did not stay in the house), I have never been in the U.K. until February 2005 when I returned. On my return in Feb 2005, I stayed at a different address, 48 Courtland Avenue, Ilford IG1. I learnt my estranged wife abandoned the property and I moved into 126 Chadwell Heath Lane on October 7th.
She left a huge bill with London Energy and the electricity supply was cut off. I have explained to their officials that I was not even in the country not to talk of incurring bills. When I left in 2001, there was no London Energy only London Electricity.

I contacted London Energy immediately on moving in. I sent all the documentation they asked for including copies of my passport, tenancy agreement at Courtland Avenue, police letter etc. At first, London Energy officials including Mr. Collin Hughes, Ms Michelle of their Exeter office claimed they had doubts my passport and that it was possibly a fake. I am not sure why they did not call the police or the immigration services for passport fraud or sending false copies of documents, as was alleged. The issue just gets tossed about on the phone.
After more than a week without results, I contacted Energy-watch. It took another week for an Energy-watch official phoned me to say London Energy is now satisfied that I was not in the U.K. from Feb 2001 to Feb 2005 and from Feb 2005 to Oct 2005, I was resident at Courtland Avenue Ilford therefore I did not incur any bills.

I am yet to receive any documentation whatsoever from London Energy or Energy-watch or be connected with electricity after one month. I have been living without electricity for one month and I depend on it for heating. One can only ask if separation from a spouse a crime? Even the courts accept separation. The other power companies I contacted more than 3 weeks ago have not even sent me forms or contacted me.

I have spoken against satan and its embassies the terrorist cults freemasons and pyrates. They murder, maim and intimidate. In Nigeria, their members gunned down my brother a solicitor who ran for elections on an anti-corruption platform, in order to continue stealing public oil money. My brother was only one of an estimated 5-10,000, murdered in order for a cultist government to rule, thereby making Mugabe (who only fiddles figures with less than 10 deaths) a saint.

It does not take Sherlock Holmes to know who is stopping London Energy from writing me and to take my issue seriously; and other power companies from connecting me. Whereas their Nigerian Counterparts opt for the AK47, those in the U.K. prefer ‘civilised’ and ‘non-traceable’ murder: hypnotism to drown, endocrine damage by light (affecting REM sleep and hormone secretion) and now cold.

I have been falsely arrested and maliciously prosecuted. The hearing is due in a few days. Preventing me from getting electricity could be a way of blocking my internet research and computer work as I am defending myself in court as I have no solicitor.
A member of the freemasons confessed that the cult uses public and private institutions especially the criminal justice system and the bank manager to frustrate people. Hypnotism, poisoning and other methods are employed.

But which member of these ‘powerful’ cults including Prince Edward the leader of freemasons, is sure of being alive tomorrow? Which of them will take electricity and a bulb to the grave? The following passage from Psalms 37 verses 35-6 and 39 verse 6, is a warning:

I have seen the wicked triumphant, towering like a cedar of Lebanon
I passed again, he was gone. I searched he was nowhere to be found.
A mere breath the man who stood so firm. A mere breath the riches he hoards.
He cannot buy life without end. Nor avoid coming to the grave

By their actions they are simply fulfilling the scriptures which state that satan’s only mission is to steal, kill and destroy. Causing harm is cheap as anyone can do that. The bible says real power belongs to those who can do the more difficult things of life: to love, to build, to care for the needy, orphans and widows.

I thank God for the power of the Blood of Jesus by whom we are redeemed and by whom I am able to stand. God has mercifully kept the night temperatures at 10 degrees or above in November! All praise to His Name. Amen.

I would appreciate your intervention in this matter. I know and trust that whatever the situation God is in control in Him, I can do all things. Many thanks.


J. A. T. Ovadje (Dr.)

126 Chadwell Heath Lane • Romford • RM6 4AE

freemasons and pyrates collude to prevent me getting electricity in the U.K.

Dr. J. A. T. Ovadje

7 November 2005

Mr. Tony Blair
Prime Minister of the U.K.
10 Downing Street
London SW1

Dear Sir: Do the freemasons and pyrates want to murder Dr. Ovadje by freezing? ‘a civilised method!’

Do the freemasons and pyrates confraternity want to murder Dr. Ovadje by a ‘civilised method!’ instead of bombs like al-queda?

My wife and I bought the house at the above address in 1998and lived there. Unfortunately, we separated mainly by the actions of satanic cults: freemasons and pyrates. I was forced to leave the home and went to Nigeria in February 2001.

Apart from a brief visit in February 2003 (in which I did not stay in the house), I have never been in the U.K. until February 2005 when I returned. On my return in Feb 2005, I stayed at a different address, 48 Courtland Avenue, Ilford IG1. I learnt my estranged wife abandoned the property and I moved into 126 Chadwell Heath Lane on October 7th.
She left a huge bill with London Energy and the electricity supply was cut off. I have explained to their officials that I was not even in the country not to talk of incurring bills. When I left in 2001, there was no London Energy only London Electricity.

I contacted London Energy immediately on moving in. I sent all the documentation they asked for including copies of my passport, tenancy agreement at Courtland Avenue, police letter etc. At first, London Energy officials including Mr. Collin Hughes, Ms Michelle of their Exeter office claimed they had doubts my passport and that it was possibly a fake. I am not sure why they did not call the police or the immigration services for passport fraud or sending false copies of documents, as was alleged. The issue just gets tossed about on the phone.
After more than a week without results, I contacted Energy-watch. It took another week for an Energy-watch official phoned me to say London Energy is now satisfied that I was not in the U.K. from Feb 2001 to Feb 2005 and from Feb 2005 to Oct 2005, I was resident at Courtland Avenue Ilford therefore I did not incur any bills.

I am yet to receive any documentation whatsoever from London Energy or Energy-watch or be connected with electricity after one month. I have been living without electricity for one month and I depend on it for heating. One can only ask if separation from a spouse a crime? Even the courts accept separation. The other power companies I contacted more than 3 weeks ago have not even sent me forms or contacted me.

I have spoken against satan and its embassies the terrorist cults freemasons and pyrates. They murder, maim and intimidate. In Nigeria, their members gunned down my brother a solicitor who ran for elections on an anti-corruption platform, in order to continue stealing public oil money. My brother was only one of an estimated 5-10,000, murdered in order for a cultist government to rule, thereby making Mugabe (who only fiddles figures with less than 10 deaths) a saint.

It does not take Sherlock Holmes to know who is stopping London Energy from writing me and to take my issue seriously; and other power companies from connecting me. Whereas their Nigerian Counterparts opt for the AK47, those in the U.K. prefer ‘civilised’ and ‘non-traceable’ murder: hypnotism to drown, endocrine damage by light (affecting REM sleep and hormone secretion) and now cold.

I have been falsely arrested and maliciously prosecuted. The hearing is due in a few days. Preventing me from getting electricity could be a way of blocking my internet research and computer work as I am defending myself in court as I have no solicitor.
A member of the freemasons confessed that the cult uses public and private institutions especially the criminal justice system and the bank manager to frustrate people. Hypnotism, poisoning and other methods are employed.

But which member of these ‘powerful’ cults including Prince Edward the leader of freemasons, is sure of being alive tomorrow? Which of them will take electricity and a bulb to the grave? The following passage from Psalms 37 verses 35-6 and 39 verse 6, is a warning:

I have seen the wicked triumphant, towering like a cedar of Lebanon
I passed again, he was gone. I searched he was nowhere to be found.
A mere breath the man who stood so firm. A mere breath the riches he hoards.
He cannot buy life without end. Nor avoid coming to the grave

By their actions they are simply fulfilling the scriptures which state that satan’s only mission is to steal, kill and destroy. Causing harm is cheap as anyone can do that. The bible says real power belongs to those who can do the more difficult things of life: to love, to build, to care for the needy, orphans and widows.

I thank God for the power of the Blood of Jesus by whom we are redeemed and by whom I am able to stand. God has mercifully kept the night temperatures at 10 degrees or above in November! All praise to His Name. Amen.

I would appreciate your intervention in this matter. I know and trust that whatever the situation God is in control in Him, I can do all things. Many thanks.


J. A. T. Ovadje (Dr.)

126 Chadwell Heath Lane • Romford • RM6 4AE

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Crown Prosecution U.K. colludes to pervert justice: refuses to prosecute assailant

Dr. J. A. T. Ovadje

15 October 2005

Ken Macdonald QC, Director of Public Prosecutions
50 Ludgate Hill
London EC4M 7EX

Dear Sir or Madam: Assault, battery and threatening of the life of Dr. Ovadje with a six-inch blade knife held against his throat by S. D.; Ilford Police ref: 44110350/05

I write to you as the legal representative to Dr. J. A. T. Ovadje, the victim of the above crimes. A letter was sent to you (copy attached) on 23rd August 2005. It is very unfortunate that the CPS has not replied Dr. Ovadje after almost two months. As you know, delaying Dr. Ovadje justice is equivalent to denying him justice.

All Dr. Ovadje has received is a letter from the police with just one line: CPS decided not to prosecute they concluded that there was no realistic prospect of obtaining a conviction in the matter. This is due to conflict of evidence in the statements obtained from the witnesses. This cannot be a substitute to hearing from the CPS. He has therefore been awaiting your reply.

Dr. Ovadje insists there were no witnesses on the night he was assaulted. From the statements he sent to you, it is obvious that the other so-called ‘witnesses’ were relatives and one close friend of the assailant and were aiding and inciting her. In fact one of these ‘witnesses’ S. D.’s brother called John later head-butted Dr. Ovadje.

If your office had any doubts, why did you not call Dr. Ovadje for an interview? Why take the word of the assailant’s relatives and close friends who were aiding and inciting her in the crimes (or in the case of her brother John, further assaulted Dr. Ovadje) for it?

If you insist on not prosecuting the assailant, please send your reasons in line with the law and good practice. Dr. Ovadje’s human rights are obviously affected. I would like to re-state that I write this letter as his legal representative and would expect a detailed reply as would be due his solicitor and would enable him seek legal redress. Attached is a copy of the visions of the CPS from your website. Has any of these has been met in this case violent crimes against Dr.Ovadje? I say no.

In the book of Isaiah chapter 59 verse 14-15 of the Bible, God reminds us all: And judgement is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. Yea truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the Lord saw it and it displeased Him that there was no judgement.

Kindly note my change of address. The new address is at the bottom of this letter.


J. A. T. Ovadje (Dr.)

126 Chadwell Heath Lane • Romford • RM6 4AE


Visions of the Crown prosecution service, United Kingdom.

Strengthening the prosecution process to bring offenders to justice: providing an independent prosecution service, working with the police from the outset of a case to its disposal; advising the police before charge; building and testing the strongest possible prosecution case and presenting that case fairly in the courts on behalf of the public

Championing justice and the rights of victims: assessing the needs of victims and witnesses and their likely evidence from the outset and throughout the life of the case; making sure their experience of the CPS and the CJS encourages them and others to come forward in future to play their part in bringing offenders to justice.

Inspiring the confidence of the communities we serve: being visible, open and accountable for our decisions; being responsive to the needs of the community and providing a valuable public service; being seen as the decision-makers who decide which cases should be brought to court and bringing them to justice

Driving change and delivery in the Criminal Justice System: as a self-confident leader; influential in delivering local criminal justice and in shaping the CJS of the future

Being renowned for fairness, excellent career opportunities and the commitment and skills of all our people: where everyone is treated on merit; where people of ability can rise to the top and where all our people are renowned for their commitment, skills and dedication to justice

Having a strong capability to deliver: by transforming HQ support to frontline delivery; securing value for money and efficiences to reinvest in frontline prosecution services; inproving the management of prosecution costs; harnessing IT to support CPS business; and delivering through effective programme and project management.

Crown Prosecution Servic U.K. colludes to pervert justice: fails to prosecute assailant without reasons

Dr. J. A. T. Ovadje

15 October 2005

Ken Macdonald QC, Director of Public Prosecutions
50 Ludgate Hill
London EC4M 7EX

Dear Sir or Madam: Assault, battery and threatening of the life of Dr. Ovadje with a six-inch blade knife held against his throat by S.D. Ilford Police ref: 44110350/05

I write to you as the legal representative to Dr. J. A. T. Ovadje, the victim of the above crimes. A letter was sent to you (copy attached) on 23rd August 2005. It is very unfortunate that the CPS has not replied Dr. Ovadje after almost two months. As you know, delaying Dr. Ovadje justice is equivalent to denying him justice.

All Dr. Ovadje has received is a letter from the police with just one line: CPS decided not to prosecute they concluded that there was no realistic prospect of obtaining a conviction in the matter. This is due to conflict of evidence in the statements obtained from the witnesses. This cannot be a substitute to hearing from the CPS. He has therefore been awaiting your reply.
Dr. Ovadje insists there were no witnesses on the night he was assaulted. From the statements he sent to you, it is obvious that the other so-called ‘witnesses’ were relatives and one close friend of the assailant and were aiding and inciting her. In fact one of these ‘witnesses’ Sarah Draper’s brother called John later head-butted Dr. Ovadje.

If your office had any doubts, why did you not call Dr. Ovadje for an interview? Why take the word of the assailant’s relatives and close friends who were aiding and inciting her in the crimes (or in the case of her brother John, further assaulted Dr. Ovadje) for it?

If you insist on not prosecuting the assailant, please send your reasons in line with the law and good practice. Dr. Ovadje’s human rights are obviously affected. I would like to re-state that I write this letter as his legal representative and would expect a detailed reply as would be due his solicitor and would enable him seek legal redress. Attached is a copy of the visions of the CPS from your website. Has any of these has been met in this case violent crimes against Dr. Ovadje. I say no.

In the book of Isaiah chapter 59 verse 14-15 of the Bible, God reminds us all: And judgement is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. Yea truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the Lord saw it and it displeased Him that there was no judgement.

Kindly note my change of address. The new address is at the bottom of this letter.


J. A. T. Ovadje (Dr.)

126 Chadwell Heath Lane • Romford • RM6 4AE


Visions of the Crown prosecution service, United Kingdom.

Strengthening the prosecution process to bring offenders to justice: providing an independent prosecution service, working with the police from the outset of a case to its disposal; advising the police before charge; building and testing the strongest possible prosecution case and presenting that case fairly in the courts on behalf of the public

Championing justice and the rights of victims: assessing the needs of victims and witnesses and their likely evidence from the outset and throughout the life of the case; making sure their experience of the CPS and the CJS encourages them and others to come forward in future to play their part in bringing offenders to justice.

Inspiring the confidence of the communities we serve: being visible, open and accountable for our decisions; being responsive to the needs of the community and providing a valuable public service; being seen as the decision-makers who decide which cases should be brought to court and bringing them to justice

Driving change and delivery in the Criminal Justice System: as a self-confident leader; influential in delivering local criminal justice and in shaping the CJS of the future

Being renowned for fairness, excellent career opportunities and the commitment and skills of all our people: where everyone is treated on merit; where people of ability can rise to the top and where all our people are renowned for their commitment, skills and dedication to justice

Having a strong capability to deliver: by transforming HQ support to frontline delivery; securing value for money and efficiences to reinvest in frontline prosecution services; inproving the management of prosecution costs; harnessing IT to support CPS business; and delivering through effective programme and project management.

Letter to the IPCC (15/10/05). Complainants to the IPCC (U.K.) may be hypnotised.

Dr. J. A. T. Ovadje

October 15 2005

The Chairman
Independent Police Complaints Commission
90 High Holborn
London WC1

Dear Sir or Madam: CRIMINT L00187516/2005 @ Ilford Police Station: Insecticide poisoning by my former neighbours, Sarah Draper and her brother John: refusal of the Metropolitan Police to investigate; REFUSAL OF THE IPCC TO INVESTIGATE

1.I reported the above case to your institution on the 1st of August 2005. I sent the attached letter to you by recorded delivery on 04/09/05. According to the statutes establishing your institution, you are independent and supposed to investigate complaints against the police.

2.The police officers based at Ilford police station, Ilford Greater London, refused to investigate the above case of malicious and repeated poisoning of my person by insecticide, contrary to the laws of the United Kingdom including the Offences Against the Person Act. I reported the matter at that station on the 28/02/05 and to the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Ian Blair, who refused to act.

3.It is unfortunate that the IPCC has refused to perform the role assigned to it by law that is, to investigate my complaints. Since I sent my complaints to the IPCC on 1st August 2005, I have not received any communication from your institution regarding my complaint, not even an acknowledgement. This is contrary to the law as the statute specifies that you have a duty to inform the complainant.

4.I note that through the back door, you have tried to get the police to investigate itself without letting me know. It is noteworthy that during a report on the execution of Mr. Menzies by the Metropolitan Police, the BBC announced that the IPCC has over a hundred investigators, many of them ex-policemen.

5. To be honest, I expected the thinly veiled attempt to cover up sponsored assaults against my person. Detective Inspector Rouse (from the same Ilford station) stated in a letter to me: allegation relating to ‘poisoning’ – a health and safety issue. As if he (a detective inspector) does not know that repeated poisoning by insecticide is contrary to the Offences Against the Person Act that has been in the statute books for over a century.

If a detective inspector says poisoning by insecticide is a health and safety issue does that mean I can follow such a satanic example and poison anyone repeatedly with insecticide? To me it is a sign of fear for a man of knowledge and high office to begin to fiddle and tell so glaring a lie. It is like saying London buses are all painted black. The bible says fear is of the devil and that only the guilty and conspirators need fear.

My being repeated poisoned by insecticide spray by Sarah Draper cannot be hidden under a health and safety issue. Furthermore, D.I. Rouse cleverly (?) refused to attach the name of the assailant (Sarah Draper) to the allegation relating to poisoning – identified as a health and safety issue.

6. In any case, whatever bogus investigation has been done by any person(s) does not matter since it is illegal. The IPCC has not acknowledged my complaint or told me it delegated its function to anyone. With the obvious cases of policemen defrauding and blackmailing me, I cannot just believe any person writing to say he has some power except the IPCC clearly informs me of what it is doing.

7. Every now and again, God reminds us all (including me) that we are all human and mortal. Therefore no human is ‘powerful’ (all power belongs to God) or has monopoly of office except Him. The Bible asks us all in Psalm 58 verse1: Do you speak truth O men? Do you uphold justice O sons of men? And in Isaiah chapter 59 verse 14-15: And judgement is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. Yea truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the Lord saw it and it displeased Him that there was no judgement.

In Isaiah 49 verses 25-26 God says: Even the captives of the might shall be taken away and the prey of the powerful delivered for I will contend with them that contendeth with thee and I will save thy children. And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I the Lord am thy Saviour and Redeemer.

8.The secret cultists (freemasons and pyrates confraternity members) and their contractors who murdered (my brother in Nigeria (for contesting the elections on an anti-corruption platform) were very bold. They walked up to him and asked ‘who are you?’ he replied ‘I am Barrister Ovadje’ and they slew him within seconds. Much earlier, the freemasons had invited him to join promising him that he would win cases before he gets to court (i.e. pervert justice), an offer of poison he rightly refused.

9. It is noteworthy that following my enquiries, I was not informed that any member of the IPCC or the more than a hundred investigators is a member of the freemasons, a satanic cult that works to pervert justice. To me this is good sign. In any case if there are any members who have hidden such facts, it only means they are afraid, knowing the evil actions of such cults. This is also a good sign that at least the conscience is still present hence the fear and hiding.

10. I note from your statistics that there seems to be a lot of discontinuation of cases once presented to the IPCC for investigation. Is this as a result of the undue and illegal pressure exerted on complainants? In my case I have even been subjected to amongst other things, hypnosis to scare me from pursuing the matters, an action I believe is the handwork of the satanic embassy, the freemasons.

11.In my case, although the direction and extent of perversion of justice ranging from the (in)actions of Sir Ian Blair, the Attorney General Lord Goldsmith and the IPCC have been glaring from the beginning; I have had to go through the motions to fulfil all righteousness. The truth is, the bible says a man should love all men but trust only God He is the only one that never fails. I am glad I have never put my trust in any one, office or institution, not the IPCC.

At the end of the day, the IPCC may choose to pervert justice or uphold it; investigate my complaint or refuse to. It is your free will. However, even if you do choose to pervert justice, I feel it would be better to be bold and say so openly and glaringly. It saves time and government (and my) expense and relieves your institution of the burden of having to organise a façade and or charade. The Bible says fear is of the devil and God has not given us the spirit of timidity.


I am weighing my other options at the moment. But whatever I do, be assured that my Lord will fight my battles and I will hold my peace.
Kindly note my change of address as below, for any future communication.

Many thanks. God bless you

J. A. T. Ovadje (Dr.)

126 Chadwell Heath Lane • Romford • RM6 4AE

Letter of 15/10/05 to Prince Edward, head of freemasons U.K.

Dr. J. A. T. Ovadje

15 October 2005

Prince Edward, Grand Master
Freemasons' Hall
60 Great Queen Street

Dear Sir: Satanic attacks by terrorist organizations: freemasons and pyrates
You may recall that I wrote to you on the subject of the freemasons and told you the message from The Most High God. It is unfortunate, that your organisation has refused to take heed.
Your organisation in association with its younger association the pyrates confraternity, both of which I believe are satanic in their agenda:

1. Tried to murder me in 2001.

2. When you failed tried, to blind me using glass and mirrors.

3. When you failed tried to destroy my family.

4. Engineered the death of my first son and seized his corpse. Please ask yourself what manner of man seizes a corpse?

5. My brother (a lawyer) contested an election on an anti-corruption platform in Nigeria. Your Nigerian freemasonry members in collusion with the pyrates shot him dead and covered up the investigation (he had earlier been invited to join your organisation promising him to win cases before he gets to court i.e. pervert justice, an offer he refused).

6. Sponsored my being beaten up and knife pressed against my throat in April this year.

7. Organised poisoning me, the use of light to affect hormonal secretion etc.

Despite all these, I have been cool towards yourselves and prayed for you to see the light. But your organisation has continued your satanic attacks using hypnosis, perversion of justice and becoming clogs in the wheel of progress. The Bible states that satan cometh but to steal to kill and to destroy. I am not a judge (I am a sinner myself) but by God’s Grace and Mercy I stand. I speak the truth. God cannot ask your organisation to commit any of the above against anyone He created.

Your organisation has terrorized my wife to forced obedience. She is now half her weight. What happiness have you offered her? or have you simply used her and dumped her? The name freemasons strikes fear in the ears of even MPs, Ministers and Downing Street more than Al-Queada. Would it not be better to be loved? If freemasonry is so good, why cant the same people who castigate Al-Queda not be able to pronounce the name ‘freemasons?’ The bible says fear is of the devil. If you are so confident of your organisation, I challenge you to open the gates as declared in the Human Rights Act of parliament (freedom of association) and I bet virtually everyone including you Sir, will leave. They only stay because of fear and intimidation (both of the devil).

The Bible states in Isaiah chapter 49 verse 25: But thus saith the Lord. Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children. And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob. May I remind you that the Word of God is God (see John chapter 1 verse 1) and must surely come to pass whether your organisation like it or not.

I ask you in the Name that is above every other name, the Name before which every knee must bow and every tongue confess, the Sweet and Mighty Name of Jesus to stop any further actions around or about or related to me or my family and any Christian on this earth. The blood of Jesus has paid the price already so all Christians are set free. Whosoever Jesus sets free is free indeed –John chapter 8 verse 36. Any yoke of bondage has been destroyed.

Every now and again, God reminds us all (including me) that we are all human and mortal. Therefore no human is ‘powerful’ as all power belongs to God. Sir, will you not die? Or have you bribed God to live forever? I pray you liver to your old age. When you do, on your deathbed will you pray ‘freemasons save me and lead me to heaven?’ Of course not. You know the truth in the depths of your heart. Why not accept God and live life with its fullness and love of God.

The anthem of this nation says ‘God save the Queen’, acknowledging that God is far above even the Head of the U.K. and can save her. Your ancestor King James published the Bible and has made the Word of God accessible to hundreds of millions till today. You can do the same.
The Bible says whosoever does not love does not know God, for God is love. I have enclosed a tract to encourage you to become a Christian. Know that God loves everyone including you and wants you to fellowship with Him just like you would like your own child to do with you.

I end by saying please stop any further interference in my life, the life of my family and the life of any Christian. I have not bothered to write to your younger associates the pyrates as I assume you will get in touch with them.

God bless you.

J. A. T. Ovadje (Dr)

126 Chadwell heath lane • Romford • RM6 4AE

freemasons cult pyrates kill police corruption ipcc
freemasons cult pyrates kill