yahoo geocities: Minister of the U.K. Mr. Tony Blair: confraternity:
Dr. J. A. T. Ovadje
July 26 2005
Mr. Tony Blair
Prime Minister
10 downing street
Dear Sir or Madam:
Terroorist organisations; freemasons and pyrates: poisoning and dehydrating me with chemicals. Holding my family hostageFurther to my previous letter, I write on the above subject. Following due research. I discovered the details as follows:
1. Dehydration: One of the most important results of their poisoning me with chemicals is dehydration by administering diuretics either natural or synthetic. The consequences of this are increased risk of: stroke, postural hypotension (and hence dizziness and faints) intracranial thrombosis. The victim may suffer severe confusion and visual/auditory problems.
A low blood volume can also lead to reduced blood flow to the brain and the glands like the pituitary. In the extreme, this can lead to infarction of the pituitary and hence low or absent hormones like cortisol.
Because of the low blood volume, he victim feels faint hence is easily hypnotised and hence unassertive. The victim may fall or die at any time probably from amongst other things, centrail pontine myelosis either of severe hypernatraemic or severe hyponatraemic type.
This is equivalent to drying out fish slowly until desiccation, a kind of ‘Alzeihmers’ disease due to satanic wickedness. The victim is then blamed for suffering with depression hence not eating and drinking.
But God put their satanic plan to shame. I have never missed one meal since February 2005 (not during fasting in church). So there is nothing to blame.
2. Since they engaged in burglary into my room and falsification of blood tests results and swapping the true for false blood reports, like I said I have not seen the endocrinologist as there is no point since the reports will be false. It will only give an opportunity for them to harm me more. If the Downing Street and the Home Office will not acknowledge or reply to more than 30 letters or speak truth, who is an endocrinologist to speak truth?
3. Various poisons and vapours have been used to cause me harm. Once I want to eat, vapours are released so as to prevent me from actual truthful taste and smell. The intent is to stop me from taking the correct amount of fluids hence se taste hence dehydrate with either too much or too little salt i.e. hyponatraemic or hypernatraemic dehydration. It is common for me to pass 2 litres of non-salty fluid in the night and extremely concentrated urine in the day.
4. To top it all, Essex Water has refused till date to test the water supply whether it is fit for drinking as it forms crusts on buckets and containers. I reported it to them in February this year and sent reminders. It is all about water and dehydration.
5. Don’t forget that I reported to you earlier that I found ammoniacal smell in my room and when I removed the rug behold it had an ammonia smell. (Meanwhile the landlord refused to give me the keys to the locked double glazed windows. The ammonium chloride gives a metabolic acidosis, the same as drinking (ethylene glycol) and would reduce the body sodium concentration. This ammonium chloride gives off a colourless and odourless gas called nitrous oxide. This oxide inhibits peristalsis (food becomes held up in the stomach for long) and causes vitamin B12 deficiency.
Now vitamin B12 deficiency in turn causes: depression, neuropathy (same as the insecticide poisoning), megaloblastic anaemia
For the record, I eat a very balanced diet with all the vitamins. Even the garri I eat is with palm oil so there is no question of thiamine or any other deficiencies except as a result of poisoning.
6. I found a transmitter and bare electric wires in my room when I removed the rug. I believe these are used for DC shocking just like animal trainers use electric whips hence subdue the human will with the Pavlov-like rewards and pain, in others words WITCHCRAFT.
7. These terrorist organizations have hacked not only into my e-mail (after BT repaired the internet café that had no fault) but onto my weblog and deleted the template page which contains the links of the page to the world. Only the guilty are afraid and need to go to this extent of criminality.
7. Sir, the world is waiting for you to act against these terrorist organizations: freemasons and pyrates, just like the bombers and al-queda. I pray that you appreciate that we are dealing with criminal and mafia-like organizations that kill and maim with impudence. Please remember that my wife Mrs. Olayinka Ovadje and my children Tosin and Efe are held hostage by these terrorist organizations. The last time I saw my wife, she had lost half her weight because of the bondage she is forced to suffer.
But Isaiah 49 verse 25 says: But thus saith the Lord, even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away and the prey of the wicked delivered: For I will contend with them that contendeth with thee and I will save thy children. Sir, you can be an instrument of honour unto God.
Many thanks.
J. A. T. Ovadje (Dr.)
48 Courtland Avenue • Ilford • IG1 3DW
Dr. J. A. T. Ovadje
July 23 2005
Mr. Tony Blair
Prime Minister
10 downing street
Dear Sir or Madam: Terrorist organizations: freemasons and pyrates poisoning me with chemicals
Further to my previous letters, I would like to let you know details of the terrorist organizations: freemasons and pyrates recently poisoning me with chemicals.
1. Today, I woke up at 06:00 hrs to a strange smell of insecticide/fumigating smell.
2. As I wrote previously, my neighbour poisoned me with similar insecticide. I reported to the police on 28/02/05. Till date, I am yet to hear from them. Perhaps, emboldened she then battered me on 28/04/05 and I told you the police took no action.
3. My landlord then said there was gas leaking into my room from the basement in April 2005 but till date has refused to check the leak. I attach a copy of the letter to the Metropolitan Police which is self-explanatory. I am now forced to open my windows day and night thereby increasing the risk of getting a chest infection especially gas/insecticide inhalation already carries a high risk. Till date I am yet to hear from the Metropolitan Police.
4. I have noticed slight pitting on my legs. I am not sure if it is simply due to the jogging or something worse. Please note that these are poisons that can kill.
5. A skull was left in the garden recently. I am not sure if it is plastic or otherwise and what it is supposed to signify although I understand it is one of the signs of secret cults.
6. As the Metropolitan Police and even the Home office are yet to properly respond to previous poisonings, I decided to contact you again. I am yet to receive even an acknowledgement from you despite over 30 letters and many postal receipts.
7. Remember that they are holding hostage, my wife Mrs. Olayinka Ovadje and my children
8. I am not scared by and will never be intimidated by cults by the Grace of The Living God. I stand by Isaiah 49 verse 25: But thus saith the Lord, even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered. For I will contend with them that contendeth with thee and I will save thy children
9. I am hoping you will act on this matter. God bless you.
J. A. T. Ovadje (Dr.)
48 Courtland Avenue • ilford • IG1 3DW
Dr. J. A. T. Ovadje
July 17 2005
Mr. Tony Blair
Prime Minister of the U.K.
10 Downing Street
Dear Sir : freemasons and pyrates confraternity vs Dr. Ovadje and family.
I have written to you n the above subject at least thirty times with receipts for postage. I am yet to receive a reply or acknowledgement.
Even ministers and MPs appear to be scared of these satanic and criminal organizations and have refused to speak. I get e-mail replies like ‘not in the office’ as is the e-mail disappears when one is out of the office and can never be attended to again forever!
Sir there is no running away from the issue of evil groups who kill just like Al-queda. Killing by bombing is no different from killing by AK-47 (my brother) or poisoning (which they wanted to use to murder me).
For your recollection, I have listed a brief summary of their activities below:
Murder and maiming just like the terrorist organizations: freemasons and pyrates confraternity. A parliamentary and judicial enquiry must be launched today.
I have to send this message again as my mail has been hijacked. This happened after BT “repaired” the line that was not spoilt at new internet café where I type and browse.
As we learn of the terrorists that carried out last week’s bombings, we should not forget the other terrorist organizations, the freemasons and pyrates confraternity who murder and pervert the course of justice. They:
1. Attempted to murder me in 2000.
2. Murdered my brother Ejoke Ovadje a solicitor, in Nigeria, by shots fired from an AK 47. The bullets went through the carotid arteries of his neck. This happened on November 19th 2002; because he was ran for office there on an anti-corruption platform. Till date, my family has heard neither a sentence nor a word from the Nigerian police because they suppressed the investigation and its results thereof.
3. Caused the death of my son
4. Drove me a bereaved father, from the Great Ormond Street Hospital and preventing me from seeing the corpse of my son
5. Holding hostage my estranged wife Mrs. Olayinka Ovadje and my children
6. Attempted blinding me in 2001 and 2005
7. Threatened and intimidated me that I would not practice as a medical doctor.
8. Poisoning me with chemicals
9. Insecticide poisoning
10. Gas poisoning
11. Disrupting hormone levels and disturbing the sleep/wake cycle.
12. Sponsoring the battering and threatening of my life with an offensive weapon by my neighbour Sarah, on 23/05/05
13. Sponsoring the blackmails, threats and intimidation that I received from the police who refused to take evidence or investigate so that she would not be prosecuted
14. Burglary/Unlawful entry into my room
15. Falsification of blood tests results and swapping the true for false blood reports
16. Threatening the internet café where I type and browse.
Right now my family is held hostage by killers and the U.K. government pretends there is no government. I serve the Almighty God and have no relationship whatsoever with these satanic groups.
Sir, I say with all respect that the Bible is full of kings removed from office because they acted (or refused to act) to the disfavour of righteousness and God’s people. With that I humbly say that if you do not act, then Jehovah the Most High will remove you from office.
The Bible says in the book of Isaiah chapter 54 verses 14 and 15: In righteousness shall thou be established: thou shall be far from oppression; for thou shall not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee. Behold they shall surely gather but not by Me: whosoever shall gather against thee shall fall for thy sake. This is my heritage from serving the Lord and as you know, the Word of God is God (John 1 vs 1 ) and does not change.
I would appreciate you action on this matter, Sir.
Many thanks and God bless you.
J. A. T. Ovadje (Dr.)
48 Courtland Avenue • Ilford • IG1 3DW
Dear MP,Murder and maiming just like the terrorist organizations: freemasons and pyrates confraternity. A parliamentary and judicial enquiry must be launched today.
I have to send this message again as my mail has been hijacked. This happened after BT “repaired” the line that was not spoilt at new internet café where I type and browse.
As we learn of the terrorists that carried out last week’s bombings, we should not forget the other terrorist organizations, the freemasons and pyrates confraternity who murder and pervert the course of justice. They:
1. Attempted to murder me in 2000.
2. Murdered my brother Ejoke Ovadje a solicitor, in Nigeria, by shots fired from an AK 47. The bullets went through the carotid arteries of his neck. This happened on November 19th 2002; because he was ran for office there on an anti-corruption platform. Till date, my family has heard neither a sentence nor a word from the Nigerian police because they suppressed the investigation and its results thereof.
3. Caused the death of my son
4. Drove me a bereaved father, from the Great Ormond Street Hospital and preventing me from seeing the corpse of my son
5. Holding hostage my estranged wife Mrs. Olayinka Ovadje and my children
6.Attempted blindness in 2001 and 2005
7. Threatened and intimidated me that I would not practice as a medical doctor.
8. Poisoning me with chemicals
9. Insecticide poisoning
10. Gas poisoning
11. Disrupting hormone levels and disturbing the sleep/wake cycle.
12. Sponsoring the battering and threatening of my life with an offensive weapon by my neighbour Sarah, on 23/05/05
13. Sponsoring the blackmails, threats and intimidation that I received from the police who refused to take evidence or investigate so that she would not be prosecuted
14. Burglary/Unlawful entry into my room
15. Falsification of blood tests results and swapping the true for false blood reports
16. Threatening the internet café where I type and browse
Kindly act on this issue now. Many thanks.
J. A T. Ovadje (Dr.)
48 Courtland Avenue
Ilford, United Kingdom IG1 3DW e-mail:
akpoukoforon@yahoo.comTel: + 44 7709982241
Dr. J. A. T. Ovadje
16 June 2005
The Registrar
General Medical Council
Euston Road
Dear Sir:
Secret cults: freemasons & pyrates vs Dr. Ovadje and family:Thank you for your letter dated 03/06/06. I am happy that you were able to reply in good time. I wrote to you specifically because I wanted it on record. Besides, there are a number of matters that concern the General Medical Council. I have outlined some issues here:
1. I note your advice that I should contact the police. Well, the police have refused to act. I wrote to the Metropolitan Police Commissioner via e-mail then letters on the 25th and 26th of April 2005 to complain of these issues. Till today I am yet to receive an acknowledgement or reply, neither did he request his officers to correct any anomalies in the investigation of the case. Perhaps, Sir Ian Blair can explain to you why he refused to act.
2. Next I contacted the Independent Police Complaints Commission. First the commission replied it was not responsible for the policies of the Metropolitan Police but deals with complaints and conduct matters against police officers and staff. I personally delivered the detailed complaint against the conduct and misconduct of police officers dated 19/05/05 at the IPCC office.
Surprisingly, the IPCC sent a letter dated 23/05/05 that in effect says the IPCC no longer deals with complaints against police officers and is now an appeal tribunal! Please see the attached copies. Can you reconcile these?
3. Whilst the IPCC deals with the conduct of police officers, I contacted the Attorney General so that he could rescue the investigation, so as to improve chances of prosecution.
If a patient is dying and a surgeon refused to operate, the first thing is to get another surgeon to operate. Later, one can then investigate the conduct of the first surgeon.
Well, the Attorney General of the United Kingdom, Lord Goldsmith has in my opinion decided to shy away from the responsibility of his office. To me, his action (or refusal to act) is like a surgeon who has no sterilised instruments to operate claiming that because he has no direct administrative responsibility over nursing staff, it is impossible for him to phone the theatre nurses asking that the instruments be sterilised properly and be made available on time, so as to improve the chances of success of his operation.
The attached copies of correspondence are self-explanatory.
4. My last son’s birthday was on the 10/06/05. My estranged wife in obedience to the blackmail and threats of these cults has prevented me from seeing the children since February when I returned to the U.K from Nigeria. We were arranging to meet on that day when behold my phone was jammed from the eve till the night of his birthday.
Who uses children as pawns, even using the corpse of my eldest child (see my last letter) as a pawn in a supposed game of chess? Satanic cults, whose only function according to the Bible, John chapter 10 verse 10: is to steal, kill and destroy.
5. My letters have been stolen from the corridor of my residence. In the morning, I saw a letter from Barking & Havering Health Authority and I guessed it was an appointment to see the Endocrinologist. I left it and went to send e-mails titled Secret cults: freemasons and pyrates vs. Dr. Ovadje and family. (I had earlier received forms to do blood tests indicating that an appointment would be sent to me to see the Endocrinologist). I returned in the evening to find the mail including Doctor magazine, gone!
6. I felt it is just as well as I was still pondering whether to go for the blood tests or not. The reason is that following insecticide poisoning by my assailant and her brother in February 2005, I did a blood test organised by my previous GP. He requested all electrolytes, urea, creatinine, liver function tests, calcium, and full blood count.
Surprisingly, the lab reported only the full blood count (FBC), sodium and potassium and liver function tests. The other electrolytes, urea and creatinine were not reported. The FBC showed obvious anaemia. The sodium and potassium whilst normal could be ‘falsely’ normal as there was no urea to measure any dehydration. Definitely the most important electrolyte, calcium was unreported (recall that I have suffered from high calcium levels since poisoning by the satanic cults).
These satanic cults entered my room, opened my briefcase (which I did not lock) and swapped this lab report for another report that showed all the lab tests requested but suddenly, everything was normal. I was not even anaemic anymore!
Clearly, this is not the time for me to see an endocrinologist, when any lab reports will be doctored to suit these satanic cults. First, I must claim my victory over satan and its agents (a victory won by the death and resurrection of The Lord Jesus). Only when truth is established is it worth doing a test.
I have full proof evidence that the true report was stolen and a false report inserted in my briefcase. Who can organize such devious schemes: satanic cults.
7. In the last few weeks, I have been using a particular internet café. It was there I wrote my letter titled Secret cults: freemasons and pyrates vs. Dr. Ovadje and family and sent it to various people all over the world. Suddenly, I noticed that the owner’s friendly disposition had changed. Last Saturday evening, I called his attention to a fault on my internet connection. He started screaming at me for disturbing him and asked me to leave, threatened to beat me up and banned me from ever reaching his shop again.
I replied Why are you so aggressive? You are afraid, why not say so? Oh, the secret cults have come to threaten you because I sent my letters all over the world, exposing them! That is why the man from the council was hunting you in the afternoon; they have probably counted all the rates you have not paid amounting to thousands. If you do not obey them they will come after you. Don’t you know blackmail is the weapon of the freemasons and pyrates? What has happened to truth? I thought you said you serve God when I wanted to preach the gospel to you?
Immediately he was completely deflated and could speak no more. All the aggression was frozen by truth! Other café users watched in silence, afraid to speak at the mention of secret cults and freemasons. Why? Because they fear the evil the cults represent and fear for their lives. They know they could be killed or maimed by these cults. Is that fear of God, certainly not. It is of the devil.
8. Whatever poisons the freemasons and pyrates have administered to me (I reject in Jesus name), I know it has endocrine effects as in my last letter. It also affects my acid-base balance. I remember having an odd feeling when I wash with ordinary soap which is soda-based and a different feeling when I wash with bleach (acid).
Note that ACTH, the hormone that induces the production of cortisol, is produced by the basophils (basic PH) in the pituitary. Therefore acidic or basic blood PH thus affects cortisol synthesis.
Previously, once I start preparing breakfast between 7 and 8 am, my neighbour Carl would appear always washing and cleaning everywhere with strong bleach even if nobody had used anything in the previous 24 hours. When I asked him to stop cleaning especially at peak times more so when he never used the kitchen, he replied that he has an obsession with cleaning since childhood. I left him alone. The bleach is acidic and gives a low PH.
In the past month, I exercise every morning. That increases my lactic acid levels in the morning thus giving me a low PH. Eureka! Carl’s obsession has been cured immediately. He no longer cleans the kitchen.
9. I have mentioned to you that in February I wrote to the Manager Essex Water and the environmental department, London Borough of Redbridge, out of concern about the high amount of whitish deposits in all containers, from the water. I assume the deposits to be calcium salts.
Till today, I am yet to receive a reply from any of these bodies. But I have suffered with a high calcium levels! I am yet to see my neighbours drinking the water or return having had a bath in that house. Well, I live by faith and believe God is with me.
10. It was early April 2005, I believe when I went into Newham General Hospital on a Sunday morning. I had suffered with bone pains and shivering throughout that night. I thought it was malaria. Well at the hospital I had blood tests. A chest X-ray was requested even though I did not have a cough!
After taking the ‘chest X-ray’ the radiographer insisted that I wait in the x-ray room and not outside as the norm. I was too ill to complain. Did he beam further rays at me? I cannot be sure but the instructions are certainly odd. I do know that x-ray irradiation is an untraceable way to harm someone especially the endocrine glands e.g. parathyroid glands which affect the calcium levels.
Everything is normal I was told if you are not satisfied it is not malaria, go to the London School of Tropical Health and hygiene.
Is it true that one can have causeless bone pains and shivering? Was this the bone pains of hypercalcaemia? Why was there no further investigation?
11. On the 20/05/05, I went to the Asda Opticians at the Asda store, Beckton. The Optometrist (a turbaned Sikh) did refractive eye tests (with background light as against the norm which is dark). He then proceeded with fundoscopy (looking inside the eye) using what I thought was an ophthalmoscope.
Later, I realised it was not an ophthalmoscope because
a) It was extremely bright. To cover up its brightness, he had left background light on.
b) It was very painful and I asked him to stop when he had just one quadrant of one eye left to do.
c) I asked him the result of his fundoscopy and he replied I did not see both eyes in full therefore there is no result. This means that he never did it because one does not need to see both eyes to tell for example if in one eye there is blurring of the optic disc or if there is copper-wiring of the blood vessels.
d) I asked him what causes floaters (as I do get them) and he replied I don’t know.
e) Afterwards, he wrote an illegible prescription with three of us (an old woman present, himself and me) giving different versions of what he wrote. I asked him to write legibly but he refused.
f) After collecting the form for payment for the eye test, he did not want me to have the glasses from through them telling me that my frames would be destroyed by their machine.
Immediately, I realised that he had used a high powered light source pretending it was an ophthalmoscope. The objective was to paralyse the occulomotor nerves of my eyes thereby destroying accommodation and blinding me.
This was something the satanic cult freemasons, had tried in 2000 but failed because God has decreed so.
12. In May this year, I had just started jogging in the mornings for about a week (usually I run at the nearby Valentine’s park) when I received a letter (with my name and address) intended for people who use the nearby park a lot. How did anyone know I had started just started jogging there. Well, I decided to ignore it.
Since then, I have been receiving subtle warnings. Everyday I jog, there are usually at least three people to surprise me, hiding behind bushes and jumping in my path at the last minute. At least one (not the same person) usually lurks in hiding with a huge dog and both spring from nowhere. I know these satanic cults regard themselves as dogs but that does not deter me a child of God.
On another occasion, some masons who are supposedly building a nearby fence sent their huge black dog through the back door, into my house whilst I was about to eat lunch. I am not sure why a mason would take his huge dog to work!
If anyone is trying to arrange evil in that park , my house or anywhere else for that matter, it will fail. The blood of Jesus is has set me free so I have nothing to fear.
13. Unlike their Nigerian counterparts who want immediate results and use guns via street cults, these satanic cults in the U.K. prefer to use supposedly ‘non-traceable’ methods: x-rays, light rays (to blind), other forms of radiation e.g. infra-red (can cause dehydration), sound waves (for hypnosis ), gases (odourless and colourless gases e.g. nitrous oxide) etc. Thus they could make someone depressed via vitamin B12 deficiency from nitrous oxide inhalation (smearing ammonium chloride on his rug) and then hypnotise the ‘depressed’ man into ‘committing suicide’. Such death may not even be instigated, going by my experience where I am alive to give testimony yet the investigation is being suppressed.
14. Please note that the Great Ormond Street Hospital, one of the best in the world, drove out a bereaved father (myself) for simply requesting to see his son’s body and lied that the body was no longer there. I believe this demands investigation or else where will we draw the line? When satanic cults start asking hospitals to freeze people alive?
15. My experiences at Newham General Hospital and Asda opticians demand investigation else we have a system where health professionals can be turned from healers to killers by
secret cults. God forbids it.
16. I believe now is the time to act. These cults that kill and maim people must be stopped. There is no excuse for extra-judicial killings and maiming. A parliamentary and judicial enquiry must be launched today. We must all play our role in this regard. Whatever role you have to play, do not waste time as the nation cannot afford to loose any more souls or afford harmed people.
17. Even the senior government officials and MP’s are afraid of these cults. That shows you that they can and undermine democracy.
Kindly reply to this letter and do not be intimidated.
God bless you.
I have sent a copy of this letter to the Prime Minister and senior government officials.
J. A. T. Ovadje (Dr.)
48 Courtland Avenue • Ilford • IG1 3DW
United Kingdom. phone +44 7709982241
Dr. J. A. T. Ovadje
14 June 2005
HRH Prince Edward Patrick KG, GCMG, GCVO, ADC
The Duke of Kent
Grand Master
The United Grand Lodge of England
Freemasons Hall
Great Queen Street
London WC2B 5AZ
Dear Sir:
Message form the etrnal Lord Jesus ChristPsalm 119 verse 46: I will speak of your will before kings and not be abashed.
I am writing to you to relay a message from The Eternal Lord Jesus Christ, The Name before which every knee shall bow and every tongue confess.
I was in church last Sunday, when the Holy Spirit planted the message. It was confirmed through the testimony of another Brother. It is as follows:
1. Jehovah The Most High created this world.
2. The Lord Jesus came to this world to die for all sinners. By His death, His blood was shed instead of that of sinners hence all sinners have been set free.
3. By His resurrection, He gave the sinners life.
4. All sinners do not owe any debt anymore. Whosoever the Son sets free is free indeed (Bible: John chapter 8 verse 36).
5. The Lord says that all the redeemed are the children of Israel are His.
6. The Lord says Let my people go. I have parted the Red sea. For as my children in Egypt was set free from Pharaoh and Egypt, so shall my children be set free in England, in Nigeria and in every nation of the earth; for the earth is the Lord’s and it is His footstool.
7. The Lord says their freedom has been purchased with My precious blood. Whosoever shall refuse to set the children of Israel free has denied the blood of The Most High was shed in their stead. Then, let it be unto him and his people as it was unto Pharaoh and the Egyptians.
8. This is the message from the Most High.
9. Sir, my own advice is from the Bible: the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
God bless you.
J. A. T. Ovadje (Dr.)
48 Courtland Avenue • Ilford • IG1 3DW
June 6 2005
Mr. Tony Blair
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
10 Downing Street
Dear Sir:
Secret cults; freemasons and pyrates confraternity vs. Dr. J. A. T. Ovadje & family.
Further to my previous letter on the above subject (which I personally delivered and got a receipt), it is unfortunate that I am yet to hear from you.
The Bible says in Psalm 119 verse 46: I will speak of your will before kings and not be abashed. I believe you have had tome to reflect on the issues raised in that letter. Sir, I would like you to do the things itemized as follows:
1. Constitute a public enquiry (parliamentary and judicial) into secret cults including the freemasons and others.
2. The freemasons and other cults should be compelled to make public all the ways, methods and means of poisoning and harming people, whether physical or psychological.
3. The cults must undertake never to harm anyone with the senior officials of such cults being held personally responsible for any harm done or suspected to be done to any member of the public.
4. All cults (and indeed all groups ) must maintain an open registry available to the public, on-line and otherwise, showing the names of all members and the offices these members hold, public or private.
5. Every member must be free to leave at any time. Any member choosing to leave can send a notification to the government department responsible for societies and organizations who will note this request and demand a written letter from the officials of such society confirming that such member has had his/her membership cancelled and is under no obligation to the society.
The officials of the society will be responsible for the safety of such member who cancels their membership.
6. Review of all patients in the psychiatric wards. Many may have physical illnesses caused by secret cults and have been ‘put’ there, with or without the connivance of the health staff.
7. A full and detailed investigation of how the life and government of a country like the U.K. can be ground to a halt by secret cults. This includes all government departments, ranging from the criminal justice system, health, postal services etc to private organisations.
8. A review of all cases of drowning to exclude involvement of secret cults.
9. A special helpline and office for assisting people who are or believe they are being harmed by secret cults.
J. A. T. Ovadje (Dr.)
48 Courtland Avenue • Ilford • IG1 3DW
Dr. J. A. T. Ovadje
27 May 2005
Mr Tony Blair
Prime Minister of the U.K.
10 Downing Street
London SW1
Dear Sir/Madam:
Secret cults; freemasons and pyrates confraternity vs Dr. J. A. T. Ovadje & family.I wish to draw your attention to the following problems that I have been encountering for a long time.
1. My closest sibling, friend and confidant a brilliant lawyer was shot dead on the 19th of November 2002 in Nigeria. He was a solicitor and had contested for the primaries with a view to the 2003 Nigerian elections. He ran on a platform of changing the corrupt politics.
2. He refused to belong to any of the satanic groupings called secret cults and was appalled at the alliance between these satanic groups of the elite and their counterparts in the streets – the street cults.
3. The latter are the foot soldiers who do all the dirty work carrying arms with which they terrorise the populace. No week passes in Nigeria without the slaying of a student in the universities and or polytechnics by secret cults. Cultists in that institution slaughtered the Vice Chancellor of one of Nigeria’s best universities, the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. The British High Commission can easily confirm these facts.
4. My brother was killed by shots fired from an AK 47 into the neck, piercing his carotids. I believe he was slain by these cultist who are for hire. Once you do not belong, they go to any extent to get what they want. They have no fear for God or His Word. I heard rumours that to survive and get on, one must belong to such satanic groupings.
5. Believe it, till today, not a word has been heard from any person or institution in Nigeria. The police have not said anything. A few suspects arrested initially were later mysteriously released. The Attorney General, Nigerian Bar Association etc all kept quite.
B. United Kingdom
6. It is eerie for me to be encountering similar problems here in the U.K
7. In 1999, I was at home in Chadwell Heath, Romford, typing on the computer when my now-estranged wife (we have been separated since 2001) said to me Freemasons are interested in your case. I was surprised, as I never knew anything about them except during my childhood in Nigeria when the rumour was they are evil. How she knew, I don’t know.
8. The next year, God prevented me from belonging to one of the satanic cults which originated from Nigeria, which I believe to be the Pyrates Confraternity,
9. Following these incidents, I was threatened at least three occasions: one by a neighbour, another by a friend and lastly by a sibling that I will not practice as a doctor.
10. In 2001, I was attacked and almost killed in London but was too afraid to speak. My wife told me: I heard that you had drowned Who told her, I don’t know because I did not tell her anything before she said so.
11. The satanic attack in 2001 led to the breakdown my family. My wife probably under threat moved aside and left me to the dogs, so to speak.
12. But God rescued me from the pit, which they had dug. Not because I am perfect, no, but because of His Grace, His Mercy and His Compassion.
13. I went back to Nigeria in February 2001, feeling depressed especially as our marriage had become difficult. I decided to spend time with my mother and siblings, recover and re-connect with my Creator before returning to the U.K.
14. I ended up staying longer than expected. I fell ill and was taken to hospital.
15. It was much later that what was thought to be depression was actually physical: I suffered with low blood sugars due to hypoadrenocorticalism and anaemia due to deficiency of iron & vitamin B12.
16. I thank God I recovered and I became a born-again Christian.
17. As I recovered to return to the U.K., my brother was shot dead. I not only had to mourn him but also look after my aged mother. Thank God I used the opportunity to grow in the Lord and by His Grace, I am a much stronger, better and spiritual being. I returned to the U.K. on the 4th of February 2005.
18. They work to destroy what a person loves. They penetrated and destroyed my family. My wife is a hostage to them either through threats to her own life or through her family connections.
19. My son died in my absence on 8th of May 2004 (I was in Nigeria) but she was barred from all communication with me. I heard of his death from the grapevine, six weeks later. I say she was barred because I have known her for 14 years in 2001. Whilst she may have her faults, she is not a wicked person that would voluntarily do such a thing. She refused any meaningful communication.
20. My siblings who are connected to satanic groups also refused to acknowledge or sympathise that I had lost a son. From this I could infer what had happened.
21. It was in January 2005 that I was able to trace what happened to my son and that he
had died at Great Ormond Street Hospital, London. I was told his body was still there.
22. I arrived the United Kingdom on the Friday the 4th of February 2005. The next day Saturday 05/02/05, I went to Great Ormond Street. The Head Nurse on duty (a young white male, probably in his thirties) drove me out of the hospital once he had checked the details. He called security and instructed them to get me out. You can easily confirm this from the rota in that hospital.
Immediately, I knew it was an arrangement by these satanic agents. My son’s body was being used as an instrument of hurt so as to get me into depression etc. I remembered the threat0( in 9 above) and prayed for wisdom and strength.
23. The next day, I contacted my estranged wife but she refused to tell me anything except to ask if I had been ‘brought’ from Nigeria by people connected to these satanic groups. The moment I mentioned that I came with God, she was no longer interested in the conversation. From this I confirmed she would listen to me, only if I ‘belonged’ to such groups. In other words, she is under bondage and threat..
24. She buried my son without my presence or knowledge whilst I was here in the U.K. I saw this as the worst move, calculated to inflict on me, the most pain. I only got to know that she buried him on the 7th February 2005 after tracking different cemeteries. But God poured shame on satan and all its plans failed. God made me strong and filled with the Holy Spirit.
25. We had bought a house in 1997 at Chadwell Heath, Romford. My wife drove me off. She stayed there with the young three children. I gathered that she did not pay the mortgage for about two years and ended up incurring mortgage arrears of about £7,500.
She could easily have rented out one room, which would have almost covered the cost of the mortgage. However, she preferred the house to be taken over by the mortgage bank. I believe she was instructed to do so. No rational human being, a first generation immigrant who has had to struggle to get by in the U.K. would do such a thing.
I believe it is part of the plan by these satanic agents to use the property as a weapon to cause me pain. But again, God poured shame on satan and it’s plans failed. Jesus said: seek ye first the kingdom of God and all its righteousness and all other things will be added unto you. My junior brother was shot dead and left his possessions; my father died and left his possession. I had lost my son at 13 years, so I do not see why any property would give me heartache. Rather I am glad that I am alive and I know I can buy another property within 6 months of starting work again.
26. Since I returned to the U.K. on the 4th of February this year. I am yet to see or talk on the phone with the two of my children who are alive and well by the grace of God. My estranged wife in her obedience to these satanic groups has refused to allow me see them
27. I would like to stress again that I know my estranged wife is not a wicked person. I believe she is under bondage, blackmail and (mis)direction of these cults.
28. Disrupting and disturbing the sleep/wake cycle. One finds people, reasonable people doing strange things like playing music loud at night or just banging doors at 4 a.m. Doing so is supposed to disturb the rhythm and concentration of the victim. It also affect’s the victim’s hormone levels which control reaction to stress and can tip a victim into depression etc. you may remember what happened to the Leader of the Liberal Democrats when he stayed up without sleep and gave a speech. Imagine that one a frequent basis!
Between 4a.m. and 6 a.m. is when the body cortisol level rises in preparation for the day. That is the time of maximum disturbance.
29. Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenals. Lack of cortisol produces: inferiority complex, low blood pressure, postural dizziness, excessive pespiration, startling in response to noise, feeling of lump in the throat, sensitivity to bright lights, craving for salt, tend to be negative etc.
What would you say if you saw a doctor exhibiting these symptoms e.g. turning away from bright light? You would say he is suffering with depression and cannot practice medicine! Wrong he has low cortisol levels, a physical illness engineered by satanic agents. Low cortisol levels also cause a low sodium and a high calcium level.
On 28th February 2005 I complained of insecticide poisoning by my neighbours at Ilford police station. (The police is yet to do anything about it, till today). On my own, I went to the Doctor’s and a blood test including full blood count, electrolytes and calcium was requested.
The blood test result attached shows that I was anaemic (low haemoglobin). More importantly, the lab refused to report the full result of the electrolytes, urea and calcium as requested by the
G.P. Why? Why would that happen in the 2005 in the U.K. what is being hidden?
I believe the results would have shown: firstly the urea level would reveal whether I was dehydrated at the time of the test. So the sodium level that appears normal will be low when adjusted for dehydration. The calcium levels will be high showing that I need treatment. Have you ever heard of a lab failing to do the requests ordered by a doctor? Who can give such orders so that the patient does not get treatment, and everybody obeys in fear? Satanic cults.
30. Insecticide poisoning by my neighbours: Insecticide poisoning amongst other things causes cough, breathlessness, nausea, vomiting, urinary frequency,, incontinence, blurring of vision, pin-point pupils, weakness, anxiety, tremor, restlessness, confusion, convulsion and toxic neuropathy.. Others include changes in blood pressure & heart rate and conduction block. These side effects may last for days, weeks, months or longer depending on the exact type of insecticide used.
The police did nothing showing that it was an ‘approved’ mission. Who can approve such a mission to harm whilst guaranteeing the assailant protection from police investigation – satanic cults.
31. This is the fourth month since I have been in my accommodation. I am yet to see any neighbour have a bath. Very rarely, maybe about five times have I seen anyone drink water from there even though they loiter around the kitchen whenever I am cooking my food. One can infer that it is either something is wrong with the water which they know about and I don’t or it is part of the scheme to put somebody under psychological pressure so that he will stop eating and drinking and taking his bath. The victim can now be labelled as suffering from depression.
32. Gas poisoning: ever since I moved in to the accommodation in February this year, I have been begging my landlord to give me the keys to the locked double glazed windows in my room. He refused all pleadings. In late April this year, he volunteered without prompting that there had been a gas leak in the basement underneath my room. This meant that I had inhaled some of the gas (?duration, ?type). He said he had repaired the leak himself although he is not CORGI certified as required by law.
One would have thought that would mean he would quickly give me the keys to the windows – he refused to give me right until 23rd May 2005. Can you imagine such wickedness? Tell me if this was not prompted by satan. I have enclosed copies of my communication with him for your perusal.
In effect, I had just been poisoned repeatedly with insecticide and was yet to recover only to begin to inhale leaking gas with the double glazed windows tightly locked so that I must breathe the poisonous gases. See the attached letters for confirmation.
Who can organise a series of poisoning first by a co-tenants than by a landlord (who the co-tenants have described as their uncle) with assurance of non-action by the police – satanic cults.
33. I was sleeping one night in April 2005, when the Holy Spirit woke me up and told me if I did not want to die, I should remove the rug as I was inhaling some gases and that I should leave my door leading to the corridor, open. When I woke, I found out I was inhaling an ammoniacal smell. I removed the rug and behold it had an ammonia smell. (Meanwhile the landlord refused to give me the keys to the locked double glazed windows.
Since then, I have done without a rug and always left my door open. My breathing became better. I noticed that my co-tenants i.e. Sarah (who battered me and pressed a knife against my throat on 23/04/05) & her family and Carl (the other tenant) were very pained.
They did everything possible to make me close my door. Of course with the windows locked, I would inhale whatever poisonous gas there was. Three would smoke in the corridor, they would talk about homosexuality, (knowing as a Christian I would be offended), shout racial abuse, threw hydrogen sulphide pellets into my room, bring guests to stand in the corridor etc. all to no avail. I still kept the door open.
Please note that ammonium chloride gives a metabolic acidosis, the same as drinking (ethylene glycol) and would reduce the body sodium concentration. This ammonium chloride gives off a colourless and odourless gas called nitrous oxide. This oxide inhibits peristalsis (food becomes held up in the stomach for long) and causes vitamin B12 deficiency.
Now vitamin B12 deficiency in turn causes: depression, neuropathy (same as the insecticide poisoning), megaloblastic anaemia
What would you say if you saw a doctor who is suffering with neuropathy e.g. incontinent of urine and is suffering depression? You would say it is because he lost his son last year? Or separated from his wife 4 years ago? Or his child was buried 3 months ago? Well wrong, he has vitamin deficiency caused by poisoning!
Who has the chemical, physiological, & pharmacological knowledge and the resources to carry out the serial poisoning and is able to offer apparent protection from the law: satanic cults.
34. How did the low cortisol levels and anaemia that I suffered (see 15 above) with and which was diagnosed in Nigeria come about? When I came to visit Britain briefly in 2003, my wife drove me away from the house. She told me words I cannot forget I pray that the chemicals in your body become normal Who made them abnormal? What chemical was used? When?
Who has the chemical, physiological & pharmacological knowledge and the resources to carry out poisoning and is able to offer apparent protection from the law: satanic cults.
35. I wish to state emphatically that by the grace of God, on no account will I be depressed. Despite all that has happened, I have nothing to be depressed about. Even our property, I had mentally written off as I left Britain in 2001, as I knew that in Britain, the wife gets to stay in the house with the kids. That does not mean I agree with her wasting the property, by allowing it to be re-possessed for non-payment of mortgage.
36. I am a born-again Christian who has given his life totally to God. I have seen that the whole pursuit of anything other than God is like trying to grab the wind.
The bible says seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and all other things will be added unto you. God will give me all the children, property etc. that I want. He prepareth a banquet before me in the presence of my enemies.
I am not afraid of the satanic cults. Luke 10 verse 19 says Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Isaiah chapter 54 verses 14, 15 and 17 says: In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee. Behold they shall surely gather, but not by me; whosoever shall gather against thee shall fall for thy sake.
No weapon that is fashioned against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that rises against thee in judgement thou shalt condemn This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD.
37. Who could have sent my co-tenant who poisoned me in February to assault, batter me and press a six-inch blade knife against my carotid artery in my neck (like my late brother) whilst threatening to finish me off? Who could have guaranteed her apparent protection from the law with policemen blackmailing, harassing and intimidating me; lying that it is the Community Relations Police that investigate assault, battery and threatening a victim’s life with an offensive weapon; that the policemen refused to take evidence so that she would not be prosecuted?: satanic cults.
38. Since I have lived at my address in February, I have never seen a neighbour leaving the bathroom having taken a bath and extremely rarely have I seen anyone drink water eat. At first I was concerned that they knew something I did not, especially with the water leaving a thick white crust on any utensil I wrote to Redbridge Council and Essex & Suffolk Water Company. I got no replies. I decided to follow the instructions of the bible the just shall live by faith. By the grace of GOD hypnotic attempts have failed as I am covered with the blood of Jesus.
Who has the deep knowledge of psychology to plan these schemes (in this case using herding) and utilise methods such as hypnosis to achieve evil goals: satanic cults.
39. Cultists shot my beloved brother in the neck killing him. They destroyed my house hence I left for Nigeria, thereby leaving my eldest son who suffers with sickle cell anaemia without his father, a doctor. He died in my absence. Perhaps if I was at home, I would have noticed events earlier and he could have lived. GOD who put me, a doctor, as his earthly father,
is The Seat of Wisdom
40. One of the reasons why I left for Nigeria in 2001 is that these satanic cults tried to kill me. By the grace of GOD, they did not succeed or you would have heard that I drowned. It was planned to make it look like suicide with my wife and children funded to go holidaying in the states. JEHOVAH destroyed their plans. I have become suspicious of young men dying by drowning, which I believe is one of their modes of operation. My friend Dr. Wole Alabi drowned in Trinidad & Tobago. I do not know if there is any connection.
41. They then tried to blind me. I had been subjected to repeated sleep/wake cycle disturbance that after a few days I became very desperate to sleep. I do not know how they did it but they shone light rays via a mirror with a view to paralysing the occulomotor nerve and hence vision. I thank GOD because he had given me the treatment a few years before the harm was done. If you were me, would you not serve GOD?
42. I believe the assault, battery that I suffered on the 23/04/05 in which my life was threatened with a knife was satanically sponsored. If she (my assailant) had succeeded, I would have been dead. If she did not kill me and I had returned her violence with violence, then I would have violence in my record. Of course this means as soon as I start applying for jobs so as to resume practicing medicine, the criminal records check would be revealed to any prospective employers and I would not be able to work as a doctor. Se why the police refused to investigate? But GOD is Enthroned and once more, satan has ben put to shame.
43. The bible says that satan has only three functions: to steal, to kill and to destroy. I have no connection with satan or its agents. In Ephesians chapter 6 verse 12, the bible says: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood , but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. But thank god that Luke 10 verse 19 says Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you
44. I would like you to use your good offices to tell the freemasons and pyrates confraternity and/or their affiliates to leave me alone. I am a child of GOD and I have nothing whatsoever to do with them. My children have nothing to do with them. My late father had nothing to do with them. My mother has nothing to do with them. They should leave my estranged wife Mrs. Olayinka Ovadje, alone. She has lost half her weight (I saw her only once, for thirty minutes in May 2005 and she refused to tell me anything, not even about my son’s death or burial) in being subjected to evil orders, which are putting her soul in a very difficult position.
45. The freemsons and pyrates confraternity must come clean and reveal exactly what damage and chemicals they have caused my body to suffer, so that I may get full and truthful medical care. I know by the grace of GOD, I will be cured and I am cured. They must undertake not to poison any other person or cause anyone harm.
46. This is not only about me but about all those who do not wish to be harmed for any reason, by secret cults; and those who refuse to be or do not wish to continue to be members of secret cults at any time . Every one should be free to associate or refuse to associate with any person or group at any time. This is already enshrined in law along with right to life, freedom from extra-judicial harm,. The rule of law must remain sacrosanct. And all freedoms must be respected.
47. Kindly investigate this very important issue.
I know my GOD will not allow me to come to any harm but for the record, you know where to look if anything happens to me.
J. A. T. Ovadje (Dr.)
48 courtland avenue • Ilford • IG1 3DW