stop the secret cults: freemasons, pyrates etc.

This blog is by the Grace of God created to stop secert and satanic cults that murder, maim and pervert the system including justice. They operate by threat, intimidation and murder fulfilling the Bible which says: satan's only function is to steal, kill and destroy.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Letter to the Prime Minister re: police attempt to poison Dr. Ovadje


10 August 2006
Mr. Tony Blair

Prime Minister of the U.K.
10 Downing Street
London SW1

Dear Sir: British Transport Police attempt to poison Dr. Ovadje on behalf of the freemasons.

Please find attached evidence of the failed attempt by the British Transport Police (on behalf of the freemasons) to poison me with glycol (a constituent of anti-freeze) in bathroom accessories.
I have reported this matter to you many times but I am yet to see any action on your part. This situation is a trial for everyone, including your good self, the policemen, the Crown Prosecution Service (48% of whom are freemasons, see attached parliamentary report), the judges (who have been perpertuating masonic judicial fraud), your Downing Street staff (whether they just toss my letters in the bin), the cabinet office (that against the law including Freedom of Information Act, has refused to disclose the members of your cabinet including the Attorney General, that are freemasons) etc and my humble self.

At the end, each person will have to choose for himself: to act for the glory of God (good) or for masonic evil. Goodness is difficult and evil is cheap, even as the Bible says anyone who wants to be pure like gold, must go through the furnace.

Because of the innocent blood of the Ovadje family that the freemasons have claimed and their continued thirst for (God forbid) more blood, the big powerful titanic of freemasonry must sink. God has decreed it., and so shall it be. Amen. Isaiah 54:17: Behold they shall surely gather, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.

Sir, I say this with all humility (for I am not holy): the will of God must be fulfilled. If Moses had refused to be God’s vessel to deliver the Israelites, God would have used another person.
God has delivered me from the clutches of satan and its cults the freemasons and pyrates, even as the Bible states in Luke 10:19: Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

I have sent copies of the documents to various international bodies.

Many thanks. God bless. Sincerely,

J. A. T. Ovadje (Dr.)

126 Chadwell Heath Lane • Romford • RM6 4AE


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